Acktar Black and Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars rely heavily on sensors such as LIDAR and cameras to perceive the surrounding environment.

These sensors emit and capture light signals to detect obstacles, pedestrians, road markings, and other critical information for safe navigation. Stray light from outside the desired field of view can lower the signal-to-noise ratio in these sensors, distorting the signals, and leading to errors in perception and potentially hazardous situations on the road.  

Thus – Stray light suppression is crucial for the safe operation of self-driving cars.

To address this challenge, advanced stray light suppression techniques are employed. These techniques include optical filters and signal processing.

The first level of defence, however,  is in blocking baffles , apertures and filed stops coated with black light absorbing coatings designed to eliminate the stray light by absorption and multiple reflections thus ensuring that no significant volume of stray light reaches the system sensor /detector.

It is in this context that Acktar contributes. Acktar coatings deliver the best light-absorbing performance in the industry.  Typically – operational wavelength are VIS to NIR, and for some systems also SWIR . Acktar coatings Magic Black™ and Vacuum Black™ deliver fully responsive solution.

Especially useful for engineers that design LIDARs and other autonomous cars systems is very detailed BRDF data for Acktar coatings that is available via major stray light simulations software such as TracePro, Fred , Light Tools and Zemax.

Do you have a question? Our experts will be happy to hear from you and advise you on the best product for you. Contact Us.


The use of Acktar coatings yield major improvements in a wide range of products and applications.

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